This post is about how much fun it has been installing and figuring out how to install my Ubuntu 12.04 image on my Windows 8.1 machine.
It all started the day that I decided to learn JavaScript, and the fact that I decided to do it using Ubuntu because we all know that Linux is that much better for programming right? My problem? The fact that I own a Windows 8.1 machine. Don't get me wrong, I love Windows, I know there's very few people out there these days that are willing to admit that.
Piece of cake right? I mean, I've installed a dual boot before so I'll just do the same thing and I'll be on my way.
Joke's on me. Turn's out that Ubuntu is currently not compatible to do a dual boot with Windows 8? What?! Yeah, that was my reaction too.
But if you would like to try a dual boot, here's the Windows Installer Link.
I decided to download the image anyways, because I was frustrated and really thought about just completely re-imaging my machine.
Day 2
The next day, I went over the many reasons why I should and shouldn't re-image my Windows 8 machine. I ended up not going with that idea for various personal reasons. Then I decided to use Amazon Web Services, because running a Linux image in AWS should be easy right?!
Not so much. I got the instance running, but I never actually got to see the instance. So yeah, I think at some point I will revisit that subject and actually get something up and running because that's just what I do for fun. Clearly, I need more interesting hobbies.
Day 3
I went back to Virtual Machine idea, and decided to start googling my options. Most posts out there were not beneficial because I have a Windows 8 machine, and did not have a Mac. Ahhhhh! Who knew this would be such a problem?
Then I decided to take a look at the VMWare Player, I've used it before and decided it to give it a try. Turns out that VMWare Player allows users to download the software for personal use so that people can learn to use their software. How cool is that!! I was so happy! Yay me!
If you want to test drive VMWare Player feel free to check it out here:
I followed their instructions to download and install the software. Thank goodness I had previously decided to download the Ubuntu 12.04 image, otherwise it would have taken a lot longer.
Once everything was downloaded and installed, I decided to run my VM.
Unfortunately, I kept getting an error message stating that long strings were not allowed and that the Intel VT-x was disabled.
So, I googled some more. And learned that this can be fixed in the Security settings under the Bios. So to get this done, restart your machine, hit F10 and if you have a Windows 8.1 go to the tab next to Security (Sorry I can't remember the name right now, but I'm pretty sure it was under Configurations ans Settings.) and enable Intel VT-x.
Then I restarted my VM and my machine for good measure because you can never restart too many times :) and voila! I have an Ubuntu 12.04 image running using VMWare Player in my Windows 8.1 machine! Happy Day!
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