As many of you know, I LOVE makeup. So, when @Influenster picked me to try out a complimentary YSL Mascara to try out, I was a bit skeptical. Why? Simply because I can't live without mascara and although I have tried different brands for my friends sake, I just can't seem leave LancĂ´me.
Perfecting my eyelashes has taken some time. Some mascaras promise a LOT and they also leave a LOT to be desired. I'm still not quite sure why so many people like Maybelline mascara, I've tried it and could not get what everyone was raving out. Frankly, I don't know why it's so popular, to each its own.
Here's my regular routine for the past six, that's right SIX years!! Eyelash primer first then mascara = perfect eyelashes every time.
Now, I've tried different eyelash primers and I just don't like the finished look. What can I say, I'm a creature of habit.
I stared at the beautiful gold colored YSL Mascara wand for three days. I finally decided to test it out on a Saturday so that I wouldn't have to deal with red eyes in case it irritates my eyes.
I took a deep breath, pulled the wand and examined the brush. The brush seemed good, lots of bristles and an even coating of mascara. Then, I took the first swipe. To my surprise it didn't feel sticky right away. I swiped the brush a couple more times over and was very surprised to notice that my eyelashes looked as if I had put primer on and then Mascara.
Day 1 was good, but could YSL hold up a whole week? It sure did! Not only that but it saved me a whole step in my makeup process!! I'm not sure about you, but I am NOT a morning person. However, I refuse to go anywhere without mascara. The extra minutes I've been saving each morning have been quite noticeable. Like I said not a morning person. The best part? No one can tell that I'm not wearing eyelash primer! And, my eyelashes don't look clumpy. Instead I have beautifully separated eyelashes with the right amount of mascara.
I'm not sure I can go back to using a primer now!! Crazy, I know. Try it! I'm glad that I was able to try out a complimentary YSL mascara to test because I had no I sea what I was missing out on!
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