
Wednesday, April 24, 2013


How much reading material is considered normal? I recently (2 months ago) discovered an app called Pocket. Pocket is so wonderful, that I wonder why I had not discovered it earlier. Pocket allows you to safely send an article to the Application, and read it later. What? Are you so lazy that you can't just look it up later?

This is not about laziness, it's the fact that there are only so many articles that a person can read in one day. I bet that if I stop Facebooking so much I could get more accomplished. But, let's be honest if I don't read something the minute that it comes out, I will probably forget about it. Unfortunately That leaves me with two options. Option 1: Save the article as a tab in my browser. Option 2: Email myself with the article url to read later.

Here's why both options failed:

Option 1: Failed when I realized that Safari on my iPhone will only allow me to keep 8 tabs open. Who on earth made that decision? Why 8? Ten would have been nice if you ask me. So what do you do when you run out of browser tabs? If you're me you install a second browser! Ah ha! I was so proud of myself for solving my dilemma. I'm sure that this is something that most people will never encounter. This was all fine until one day Peter asked me to look something up while we were driving and I couldn't. What? That's right. I had maxed out Safari and Chrome doesn't work without Wifi. Ugh! Back to square one.

Option 2: The old, I will e-mail myself so that I don't forget. Except this doesn't really work when I have to dig through my 5 email accounts to find out where it went. See how inefficient that is? I'm sure that most people don't need FIVE e-mail accounts, but that'll have to be another post.

In comes Pocket to save the day. If I'm on Twitter I can save it as Read Later and the article will be safely stored. it's way that Pocket displays the articles I send is by showing them like Google Reader would. A nice organized manner, I can read offline without any hassles.

There is so much information that comes out on a daily basis that this is the only way that I have found to stay afloat. This is the risk of being connected and staying up-to-date.

How much reading do you do online? What do you like to read?

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